Barak Rosenshine

Barak Rosenshine

Barak Rosenshine est le “père” de l’Enseignement Explicite.

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# Titre de l'article Auteur Clics
1 Principles of Instruction II Jamie Clark 217
2 Making Instruction Explicit Jamie Clark 546
3 Research based strategies that all teachers should know Form@PEx 758
4 La science cognitive et les principes d'instruction de Rosenshine Form@PEx 45814
5 Rosenshine's 10 Principles of Effective Instruction Form@PEx 15762
6 Vérification de la compréhension Form@PEx 19058
7 Les 10 principes d'instruction de Rosenshine Form@PEx 18753
8 Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction Paul Foster 54153
9 Infographie : Les principes d'un enseignement efficace Form@PEx 48657
10 Explicit Instruction - A model elaborated from research on classroom instruction and validated by research on human cognitive processing Barak Rosenshine 137591
11 Livre : Rosenshine's Principles in Action (Tom Sherrington) Form@PEx 102162
12 Infographie : Principles of Instruction Tom Sherrington 112837
13 Infographie : Five Meanings of Direct Instruction Ben Gordon et Oliver Caviglioli 120696
14 Barak Rosenshine, le “père” de l'Enseignement Explicite Françoise Appy 204614
15 Infographie : The Principles of Instruction Ben Gordon et Oliver Caviglioli 183068
16 Principes d'enseignement Barak Rosenshine 239566
17 Conseils pour mettre en œuvre un enseignement explicite dans sa classe Form@PEx 50037
18 Diaporama : Les 17 principes pour un enseignement efficace Françoise Appy 53034
19 Barak Rosenshine Form@PEx 47188
20 Principles of Instruction Barak Rosenshine 239411
21 What About Curriculum Effects? Barak Rosenshine 45316
22 Five Meanings of Direct Instruction Barak Rosenshine 208922
23 Systematic Instruction Barak Rosenshine 240094
24 Reciprocal Teaching Barak Rosenshine 103129
25 What Characterizes an Effective Teacher? an exclusive interview with Barak Rosenshine Propos recueillis par George A. Clowes 219899
26 Vidéo : Making Instruction Explicit Barak Rosenshine 182078
27 Converging Findings on Classroom Instruction Barak Rosenshine 261849
28 Book Review - The Academic Achievement Challenge: What Really Works in the Classroom? (Jeanne Chall) Barak Rosenshine 153011
29 Advances in Research on Instruction Barak Rosenshine 153737
30 The Case for Explicit, Teacher-led, Cognitive Strategy Instruction Barak Rosenshine 188919
31 Teaching Students to Generate Questions: A Review of the Intervention Studies Barak Rosenshine, Carla Meister et Saul Chapman 193042
32 Reciprocal Teaching: A Review of the Research Barak Rosenshine et Carla Meister 89934
33 Reciprocal Teaching: A review of 19 experimental studies Barak Rosenshine et Carla E. Meister 197792
34 The Use of Scaffolds for Teaching Higher-Level Cognitive Strategies Barak Rosenshine et Carla Meister 128409
35 Synthesis of Research on Explicit Teaching Barak Rosenshine 220237
36 Teaching Functions Barak Rosenshine et Robert Stevens 257422
37 Vers un enseignement efficace des matières structurées - Un modèle d'action inspiré par le bilan des recherches processus-produit Barak Rosenshine 164739
38 Teaching Functions in Instructional Programs Barak Rosenshine 187120
39 Recent Research on Teaching Behaviors and Student Achievement Barak Rosenshine 123375
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